Hair Dyeing During Pregnancy

Hair Dyeing During Pregnancy

Women want to maintain their appearance even when they are pregnant. This especially applies to hair: grown-out roots or visible gray hair can be a cause of concern. But is it safe to dye your hair during pregnancy, and does it harm the baby? Expectant mothers worry about this, and for good reason. After all, aggressive hair dyes can negatively impact both the woman and the fetus. In this article, we will delve into this issue.

Is hair dye harmful during pregnancy?

A pregnant woman’s body undergoes significant physiological and hormonal changes. Therefore, the reaction to the components of hair dye can be unpredictable: it might not adhere to the hair properly or cause an allergic reaction. However, if a woman dyed her hair before conception, the risk of allergies is reduced.

Most likely, your hairdresser will assure you that there is no harm in dyeing your hair during pregnancy. However, medical opinions are not so unanimous.

Two perspectives on hair dyeing during pregnancy Gynecologists have different opinions on the procedure. Their views are diametrically opposed: some are categorically against it, while others do not see any harm for the expectant mother and the child.

Medical perspective in favor of hair dyeing

If an expectant mother wants to look beautiful and well-groomed, she has every right to do so. Supporters of this approach believe that the dye components do not penetrate deeply and do not enter the bloodstream. They do not deny that chemical substances enter the blood, but the doses are so small that they cannot cause harm.

Another argument is the specific immunity that a woman may have developed if she dyed her hair before conception. It will protect the mother from the harmful effects of chemical substances. The placenta also protects the fetus.

Medical perspective against hair dyeing

Doctors point out that the components of hair dye formulations can negatively affect the woman’s body and the fetus’s development. They prohibit patients from dyeing their hair during the early stages of pregnancy. This is because during the first 13 weeks, the baby undergoes rapid development, laying the foundation for its future health.

During the first trimester, the musculoskeletal system and vital organs and systems are forming. At this stage, the fetus does not yet have its own protection – it is only beginning to develop. Therefore, in the early stages, the child is defenseless against any external influences. Even the most expensive and supposedly safe dyes will definitely have a negative impact during the first trimester.

pregnant woman

Hair dyeing at this stage can lead to fetal growth restriction and disrupt the functioning of the immune system in the future – is it worth the risk? That’s why doctors are against dyeing if you have recently discovered your pregnancy.

The dye can also harm you: causing nausea, vomiting, headaches, allergic rashes, and even fainting.

By the second trimester, the baby already has protective mechanisms, so dyeing your hair is not as scary.

Dangerous components in hair dye formulations

Doctors urge expectant mothers to read the composition of hair dyes, activators, and bleaching agents. They affect the respiratory tract and settle there. Vapors from the dye and activator compounds are especially harmful, and bleach is the most chemically aggressive.

Here are the dangerous components for both the mother and the baby:

  1. Ammonia – has a strong odor, causes nausea, vomiting, weakness, and migraines.
  2. Resorcinol – weakens the immune system, irritates the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes, and throat, triggers respiratory diseases, cough, and skin allergies in the form of patches.
  3. Para-phenylenediamine – provokes inflammatory processes, extremely dangerous for the baby in the first trimester.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide – dangerous when reacting with resorcinol. Can cause allergic reactions and burns.

Hair Dyeing During Pregnancy. Avoid them at any stage.

Safe hair dye options during pregnancy Pregnant women should opt for ammonia-free hair dyes. If the packaging indicates that the product is allowed for expectant mothers, feel free to choose it. Trust organic products from professional series. Blondes will find it more challenging: if you want to have a healthy baby, avoid bleach during pregnancy and lactation.

Hair Dyeing during pregnancy

Here are a few safe products for both the woman and the baby:

  1. L’Oreal: Casting Creme Gloss (ammonia-free), Inoa (oil-based dye).
  2. Matrix: Color Sync range – does not contain ammonia, sulfates.
  3. Wella: Color Touch series – no ammonia, but the manufacturer warns: you can dye your hair only from the second trimester.
  4. SanoTinT: The brand’s dyes do not contain ammonia; they are made from plant-based ingredients.
  5. Schwarzkopf: Perfect Mousse range – these are mousses without hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.
  6. Estel Professional: Deluxe Sense series – can be used in the second and third trimesters.

Please note: none of the manufacturers specify that dye can be used in the first trimester.

Natural hair dyeing options during pregnancy

You can use them from the first day of pregnancy. Choose a method based on the desired hair color.

For brunettes, henna, cocoa, and coffee are suitable. You can combine these components to get an interesting shade.

For redheads, henna and turmeric work well. Different shades like fiery red, copper, red, and golden can be achieved.

For blondes, chamomile, lemon, cinnamon, and honey are suitable. You can mix lemon juice with honey or chamomile decoction with honey. These products are suitable for women with natural blonde and light brown hair of various shades – they refresh and emphasize the color.

Use natural remedies without fear: they will benefit your hair, strengthen it, add shine, and protect it from brittleness.

Recommendations for Hair Coloring During Pregnancy

Here are a few tips to ensure a successful hair coloring procedure without harm to you and your little one.

Tip #1: Avoid using mass-market hair dyes. They contain aggressive oxidizing agents like 9% hydrogen peroxide. It can cause redness, skin burns, allergies, and can dry out your hair.

Tip #2: Avoid drastic changes in hair color. If you have dark hair, don’t aim to become a platinum blonde in one go. You cannot achieve such an effect with natural compositions, so you’ll have to risk yourself and your baby.

Tip #3: Choose expensive professional hair dye. Manufacturers are developing increasingly safe products each year. You can find such products in professional lines.

Tip #4: Dye your hair once a month. There’s no need to do it more frequently.

Tip #5: Listen to your well-being. Go for the procedure only when you are in a good mood and without any health issues. Morning sickness, swollen legs, lower back pain, hypertension, and other pregnancy complications are not the best companions to have in a beauty salon.

Tip #6: Entrust hair coloring during pregnancy to a professional. Inform the stylist about your pregnancy and inquire about the products they use.

Tip #7: Use gentle techniques such as ombre, highlights, colored glossing, toning, balayage, and biolamination.

Tip #8: Do an allergy test. Apply the dye on the inside of your elbow, and only if there is no reaction, proceed to apply it to your hair. You can also consult a trichologist – they can conduct an analysis for a reaction to the dye.

If you develop an allergic reaction, don’t take risks. You can change your hair color using natural methods, tonics, or tinted shampoos – they wash off quickly and do not penetrate into the bloodstream or deep into the hair.

Specifics and Risks of Hair Coloring During Pregnancy

Permanent hair dyes affect the mother’s and the baby’s body differently depending on the trimester.

We have already discussed hair coloring during the early stages of pregnancy. It is harmful and dangerous. Risks to the baby’s development, deterioration of your well-being (for example, intensified morning sickness) – that’s what this procedure entails in the first trimester. Another risk is that due to the hormonal surge, the result might disappoint you: the dye might not work as expected, or the color might turn out completely different from what was planned. Exception – natural products (henna, cocoa, food products).

Expecting Mom

In the second trimester, you can dye your hair with a product that has a safe composition. During this period, women usually feel good, morning sickness subsides, walking becomes easier, and the mood is excellent. The baby’s organs are already formed, and it has its own protection. With such a favorable picture, you can dye your hair. Consult your gynecologist before the procedure; they are the one overseeing your pregnancy.

The rules for hair coloring during the third trimester are the same. Keep in mind that you’ll have to sit for a long time. Take breaks, change positions, walk every half hour during the procedure. This will help you avoid leg swelling and back pain.

When Not to Dye Your Hair During Pregnancy

A doctor will prohibit the procedure in the following cases:

  1. First trimester of pregnancy: During the initial stages of pregnancy, hair coloring is not recommended.
  2. Poor health conditions: If you are experiencing morning sickness, gestosis, weakness, viral illnesses, or have a fever.
  3. Fetal developmental abnormalities: If there are existing problems, it’s unnecessary to subject the baby to additional risks.
  4. Abnormal test results: If there are deviations, it’s better to abstain from exposure to chemical substances.
  5. Immune system condition: Consider your immune system’s state before undergoing any chemical treatments.
  6. Individual sensitivity: If you are hypersensitive or prone to allergies, it’s better not to take the risk.

Before visiting the beauty salon, consult your gynecologist, who is overseeing your pregnancy.


Pregnancy is a miraculous state, and you have every right to look beautiful. However, because you are responsible for your child, every action needs to be carefully considered. If you really want to dye your hair, it is recommended to consult a doctor. They are aware of your health, the baby’s development, test results, and your body’s specificities. They can assess the risks and advise whether you can dye your hair or not. Listen to their verdict and avoid taking risks if you hear something different from what you wanted. And remember: all pregnant women are beautiful!

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